Random list of $50 words
What is a $50 word, you ask? I was told that, if you use one of these words, you can charge $50. I guess I should read my medical dictionary more. Here are some of my favorites: (warning, there are some gross ones!)
Trichobezoar: a ball of hair that causes an intestinal obstruction. Pretty sure it’s the same as the bezoar that saved Ron Weasley’s life in Half Blood Prince
Iatrogenic: a condition caused by a doctor
Pseudocoprostasis: when an animal (I guess it could happen to a human) can’t defecate because dried feces is blocking the outflow. Yes, I have actually seen several cases of this.
Idiopathic: a condition from an unknown cause
Paraphimosis: when a dog’s penis comes out of the prepuce, swells up, and gets stuck. Bummer.
Linear Foreign Body (or fondly called an LFB): when a long item, such as a string, gets caught in the intestines. Bad news. Don’t use string (or string like things) as a cat toy.
Blepharospasm: squinting eyes, usually because they’re painful
Proptosed globe: an eyeball that has popped out. Yuk. And weird. Can you imagine still being able to see out of an eye that isn’t where it’s supposed to be?
Coprophagia: eating feces. Yes, dogs, we know you love to do it. I wish I knew why. I wish I knew a sure fire way to get them to stop. I’d be a bazillionaire.
Intussusception: when one part of the intestines is telescoped inside another part. You definitely don’t want this problem. Usually ends up needing surgery to remove that section of intestine.
Lichenification: when the skin gets thickened due to chronic disease
Microfilaria: an immature heartworm
Heterochromia Iridis: having eyes of different colors, or even cooler, having an eye that is mostly one color but one part is another color.